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 New BIG urban sports portal!!

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Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2008

New BIG urban sports portal!! Empty
MessageSujet: New BIG urban sports portal!!   New BIG urban sports portal!! Icon_minitimeMer 9 Jan - 13:19


You probably don't know me. So I will introduce myself.

I'm Mixup from the Netherlands; I train freerunning for about 4 a 5 years now. I'm here to show you guys our brand new portal.

You can share your videos; photo's, chat, represent yourself; network with freerunners, tracers, street stunters and trickers all around the globe! And of course much more! The site is still growing!

If you are interested to join the community, feel free to take a look at:
http://www.myurbansports.com/ !and register (it only takes a minute!

Regards, Mixup
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New BIG urban sports portal!!
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